AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM: (For Grade 2 and up)
complete daily homework 日校功课辅导(各科作业辅导:英文,数学,法语,科学等)
prepare for test & exam 加强测验与考试各科的考前准备
customized workbook 量身订造加强练习课本
innovative production 思维创意活动
We also offer an innovative production aspect to our program, which encourages students to think outside the box using everyday mundane materials. This is meant to inspire creative thought in everyday situations, and have students ask questions to instill originality.
Our after school program now offers a customized workbook inidividually designed for your child(s) grade and ability. It is meant to be used as supplementary work to aid in the development and understanding of the current topics in school and its underlying foundations.